This drawing has no set story, it's a popular girl named Linda who appears in the hallways of school with no clothes on and her panties pulled and totally stuck on your ass and leave the most embarassed situations she is wearing tube socks. Well, you guys would like to create a story for this drawing? The best story will have more shares illustrated by me and posted on my blog with credit to the author.

Linda was a nice girl at Saint Theresa's High School. One day she started dating Jason Marino, the handsome captain of the football league. Bullies, jealous of Jason, decided to teach him a lesson by tormenting his girlfriend by giving her wedgies and posting the videos. He doesn't know who these bullies are, only that he needs to stop them before she gets anymore... or before he starts getting them!
ResponderExcluira picture of a wedgie war between miranda cosgrove and Jennete Mcurdy: D would be well known and a picture of this great
ResponderExcluirI think it is obvious what happened here. Linda got into a fight with the wrong person who stole her shirt, bra, and pants away. She didn't know what to do because she didn't want to go around school with her bare breasts showing. Luckily, her friend had a brilliant idea: wedgie her so hard and so high that her panties would cover up her breasts. However, they did leave her ass rather exposed...